Speaking to parliament today, Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth gave the assurance that all is being done to prevent a catastrophe. He gave an account of measures that have been taken to date. 7 skimmers are now operating in the lagoon while 3,200 metres of boom had been deployed to restrict the spread of the oil slick. Trucks are also pumping from ashore to remove oil from the lagoon.
The prime minister thanked international organisations, friendly countries, NGOs, the private sector and the local community who are all assisting the salvage operations. Today, hundreds of Mauritians joined, crafting and deploying booms while others brought in food for the helpers.
This afternoon, the Commissioner of Police, Khemraj Servansing denied rumours that the bulk carrier broke. However, he said that hull cracks are worsening and that there is now a real risk of the ship breaking. He also stated that salvage teams continue to remove oil from the bulk carrier on barges and by helicopter. He added that he is hopeful the bulk carrier’s tanks would be emptied by tomorrow.